Spicy Penne with Mozzarella


• 320g penne pasta
• 200g Brimi Mozzarella Block, diced
• 1 table spoon parmesan cheese
• 200g aubergine
• 50g spicy salami
• 300g chopped tinned tomatoes
• 80ml olive oil
• 1 garlic clove, crushed
• 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
• Salt and pepper


1. Peel the aubergine and cut into 5mm cubes
2. Heat olive oil and fry garlic
3. Add the aubergine and season with salt. Fry until softened
4. Add the salami, tomato, parsley, salt and pepper and continue to cook until cooked through and reduced slightly
5. Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente
6. Toss the pasta in the sauce, add the diced mozzarella and parsley and stir through
7. Sprinkle with parmesan and serve

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